Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Provident: What's in a Name?

What's in a name? What's it mean? Provident, according to means the following:

Definition of PROVIDENT

1: making provision for the future : prudent

I feel like I am doing both, thus the choice of Provident for both my name, and blog. Couldn't very well choose "I'm a cheap chick" now could I? Of course I could, but I think Passionately Provident has a slightly better ring to it. 

This blog is started with many intentions. This week, I've challenged myself to going a full 7 days without turning on the television. As I write this entry, it's 6:28pm Wednesday. So far, so good. Why am I fasting TV? A couple reasons. I was told a few months ago, that sometimes you/I may want to pray with intention (I think that's what it was called), meaning give up something, kind of to show God you mean it? I don't think I've gone an entire week, well...ever, without watching any TV at all. I'm interested in seeing if I can actually do it.

I'm an avid list maker. Of course, I have a 'To Do' List, which is generally updated every Friday before I leave work, with the thought, "This weekend I WILL mark XYZ off the list". I'm not saying that I don't get things done, and off the list, but there are a few things that have been lingering for WAY longer than I'd like. Some, because they're larger projects that have been lower priorities. My thought behind no TV for the week, is to see if I can get a bunch of things marked off the list, because I'm using TV time for something more productive. I was inspired by MSP, when he indicated he hadn't caught up on GRIMM because there was so much to do around the house. So there, MSP. This blog is dedicated to you. Showing off my homemaking skills again. Yes, I am.

Why the blog? Maybe if I put in writing, for a wider audience to see, I will have more incentive and accountability to complete some of my tasks. Plus, I really miss writing. 

Why Provident? Because, I am planning for the future. Looking at my HOUSE now, you wouldn't know I actually have a degree in Interior Design. Not in the least. I have been making strides in turning my HOUSE into a HOME, since completing my THIRD Degree in the Summer of 2011. It's time to be creative, and do some problem solving, outside of the educational arena. 

But, I'm still cheap. There are plenty of things, already in my house, left from previous owners that can be turned, frugally, into what I think will be show pieces. By choosing to be thifty in my homemaking, it will help me achieve my ultimate goal...paying off my house before I have one foot in the grave.

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