Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's like eBay wants me to be debt free!

I've been a seller on eBay for over 10 years now. I would say 95% of what I sold falls into the costume/garb category. Some creations of my own, some I purchased for myself and have since grown tired of, some items purchased with the pure intention of reselling them on eBay.

As my student loan finally came due, I renewed my selling efforts. I can't stand debt. Since November, it has been my mission in life to pay off my two outstanding debts (other than my mortgage). I paid off my car 6 months early, at the beginning of March. This month has required some financial investments in my future (Exam fee, conference fee, and a few other larger than I'd like charges), and as a result, has pushed back paying off my student loan. Luckily, it isn't a large sum, but I still want it gone. My goal is to have it completely paid off within the next two months.

eBay was super fantastic to me in November and December, offering multiple special "List for Free", or "1 cent Listing" days. Otherwise, I have been taking advantage of the "No insertion fees" on your first 50 listings, each month. As stated, garb has been what I've primarily sold. With being in school practically non stop for the last 5 1/2 years, I haven't had much time for sewing. Well...that, and the fact that I can't figure out the bobbin on my sewing machine, and I've seized something on my previous 2 sewing machines because I didn't oil them. Who knew?

This post inspired me. How I paid off $15,000 in 9 months selling my 'stuff' on eBay I see eBay, coupled with some other income generating efforts (on top of my actual salary), as a fantastic tool in erasing my little bit of outstanding debt, doing things I like, without having to get a "real" second job. I don't really have many big ticket items, but every $20, or heck, even $1 helps my bottom line.

Because I have a little (ha!) touch of OCD, I, of course, had to find a way to organize everything I am trying to sell on eBay. I wanted to give away a cheap bookcase I've had for about 10 years, but the person who said they wanted it, never made arragements to get it, so it has become my eBay staging area. I walked around the house and thought to I love this item? Do I use it? Do I have a use for it? Is there a negative memory/emotion attached to it? I pretty much cleared out anything that didn't make me feel good or help me lead the life I want for 2012 and beyond. It is a big help that I really can't stand clutter. I only allow this bookshelf to be messy because I don't spend any time in my basement.

I considered cropping the picture, but then you wouldn't be able to see the two dead sewing machines on top of the beer fridge (which actually holds no beer, but a bunch of wine and liquor). This picture was taken at the beginning of March. I see many items that have already sold. More items have been added, listed, and sold, as I continue to purge the main house of its clutter.  Having everything in one place, makes it easier to take advantage of eBay's free listing days. They don't like to give a lot of advance notice.

I have found, people will buy practically ANYTHING on eBay. Really! Here are a few items that have sold this year. I wish I still had the pictures of the blank cassette tapes, answering machine tapes, and other truly random things I sold at the end of 2011.
These mugs were purchased for 80 cents each at my favorite thrift store. I sold the lot of them for $10.50.

When I helped clear out my Grandmothers house, I rescued this barbecue set. The pair sold for 99 cents.

Ahhh. Once upon a time, I thought I would try Weight Watchers (I lost about 10 lbs). I never used the dining out guides. WW is wonderful to get you thinking about what you are putting in your body. I scanned the Welcome-Week 6 guides previously to give to someone, so it's not like I can't still do the program if I wanted to. This item sold for $19.99.

It is my goal to make at least $250 each month from selling my "stuff" on eBay. Once I have a better handle on said "stuff" (and a few more projects off the To Do list), I will start sewing again (garb to sell on eBay, and maybe a few new bodices for myself)'s a little look at the fabric I need to use up...The china hutch, and everything on top of it is pretty much ALL fabric. But...that's it. All together, and actually sorted by what I intend to do with it. Bodices, Skirts, Shirts, and Cloaks/Capes.

Oh, hey! Look, there is ANOTHER sewing machine. That's the one I have to figure out the bobbin tension. Sigh.

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