Thursday, March 21, 2013

Doubling my Efforts

This has been sitting in draft form since 7/27/12. Might as well post it for all the throngs of my adoring readers.

I need to buckle down. Really.

I'm doing quite well with my cash spending. Keeping it in control, that is. Charging was much less this month than it was last. Still more than I'd like though. I'm blaming some of the overspending on having to replace all my perishable foods from when the power was out.

I have to buckle down...because...I GOT A NEW JOB! Slightly less money, but a WHOLE lot more in line with my future life goals. I'm SO excited. If I could do cartwheels, I would. I'm doing them mentally instead.

All that time away from my home at the beginning of the month, took a toll on me. Total lack of motivation to do anything. I haven't scanned anything else picture-wise, and though I have done a little bit of crochet, I'm no where near meeting the goal of completing the project. So...this months what is in the house. That simple. When I'm out of frozen veggies to pair with my protein, I need to use up the canned vegetables I keep forgetting are in the cabinet.

Speaking of which, I'm back on track with following the eating plan from the dietitian. Back down the 5 lbs I gained at the beginning of the month.

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